May 2023 Newsletter
The California Water Safety Coalition is officially a 501C3!
2023 CA Water Safety Summit Recap
Thanks to you, we did it!
Over two productive days, we came together to share what we know about the crisis of drowning, compare approaches to improve water safety, and commit to collaborating in a meaningful way going forward. We hope you came away inspired and motivated to not only continue this important work, but also double down on information-sharing, communication, and cooperation. Haven’t taken our survey yet? Please do so below!
A packed house listening to keynote, Justin Scarr, from Royal Lifesaving Australia.
Justin Scarr and Dr. Julie Gilchrist catch up with sponsors and attendees!
Connie Harvey, from The American Red Cross, and Johnny Johnson from Blue Buoy catch up at the Summit!
We are enormously grateful to each and every one of you who attended the California Water Safety Summit.
An important element of this Summit was the release of the California Water Safety Strategy. Download your copy today.
Nicole McNeil, President of the Prevent Drowning Foundation of San Diego, holds up the San Diego Proclamation that was given to PDFSD & CWSC at the conclusion of the media event at the Summit. Also pictured, left to right: Megan Ferraro (The ZAC Foundation), Julie Lopiccolo (The Jasper Ray Foundation), Rob Williams (CWSC Chair), Chris Carlson (The Ben Carlson Foundation).
Our keynote, Justin Scarr, took to social media to share the success of the summit!
World Drowning Prevention Day | July 25, 2023
Drowning has caused over 2.5 million deaths in the last decade. The overwhelming majority of these deaths (90%) happen in low- and middle-income countries. Globally, the highest drowning rates occur among children aged 1–4 years, followed by children aged 5–9 years.
The human, social and economic toll of these losses is intolerably high, and entirely preventable.
The implementation of evidence-based, low-cost drowning prevention interventions can drastically reduce risk of drowning. These include:
installing barriers controlling access to water
providing safe places away from water such as crèches for pre-school children with capable childcare
teaching swimming, water safety and safe rescue skills
training bystanders in safe rescue and resuscitation
setting and enforcing safe boating, shipping and ferry regulations
improving flood risk management
World Drowning Prevention Day, declared in April 2021 by United Nations General Assembly resolution A/RES/75/273, is held annually on July 25. Through this global event, we remember lives lost due to drowning and aim to increase knowledge on safety in and around water.
Southern California Water Safety Challenge:
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Several Orange County, CA locations will be participating in the 2023 Water Safety Challenge that will take place on Saturday, May 20. These fun and FREE community events bring together families at local pools and community centers to discuss the important aspects of water safety and drowning prevention. To learn more and to see a list of locations, visit this website:
San Bernardino Water Safety PSA
The City of San Bernardino's bringing light to the issue of drowning and creating an opportunity for community members to improve their education about Water Safety. KUDOS to Lydie Gutfeld and her team for this important video highlighting the importance of drowning education.
Assembly member Davies Looks to Establish Youth Water Safety State Grant
Representing coastal cities in South Orange County and North San Diego County, Assembly member Laurie Davies looks to facilitate swim lessons for under served youth by establishing a state Youth Water Safety Grant this National Water Safety Month.